How to collect reviews on Trustmetrics public profile page?

Here are the steps that you can follow to collect reviews on :

You can collect reviews from the users on your public profile page by sending the campaigns.

On the public profile page, when a user clicks on the "leave a review" button, there are two ways to provide feedback: through text or video, depending on the settings you have chosen.

Text Review Collection:

Step 1: Click the “Leave a text review” button and a review form will appear.

Step 2: Fill in all the details that are required and then click on the “Save” button.

Step 3: Users will get a mail to verify the review.

Step 4: On clicking the link, the User will be redirected to the public profile page and the review will be verified.

Video Review Collection:

Step 1: To share your feedback via video, click on the " Leave a video review" button. A page will appear with two options: you can either record a video or upload one.

Step 2: Fill the details and submit the video review, users have the option to upload or record a video up to 120 seconds in length, in a supported video format.

Step 3: Users will get a mail to verify the review.

Step 4: On clicking the link, the User will be redirected to the public profile page and the review will be verified.

Follow this youtube video for more information:

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